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Par : laura s
Publié : 18 février 2014
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To conquer Punks and Pixar in Paris

During our field trip to Paris we saw 2 exhibitions. The first was about the Punk movement and the second was about the original drawings and artefacts of Pixar movies. 

At the exhitibion on the punk movement we observed many vulgar posters and a few very provocative pictures containing pornographic elements. We heard an agressive music which was repetitive and monotonous.


 Then we went to the permanent collection of the Cité de la Musique, and thanks to earphones, we heard classical music and explanations about the origins of all the instruments which were displayed in this area of the museum.

Afterwards, we went to the Pixar exibition where we discovered a " zootrope" : it’s a combination of rotations and stroboscopic light which gives an illusion of movement. We And including lots of original drawings of the storyboard of each movie. Next, we watched a little movie which presented the stories of all the animated drawings .Their storyboards were projected on the wall of the room where the movie was shown. 


We didn’t enjoy the Euro Punk exphibit because the photos are very provocative and excessive in their criticism of the system.

But the Pixar exhibit was very exciting because we rediscovered all the original drawings of the movies from our childhood. It was very interesting to travel back to the days when we were children with each picture of movies characters.





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