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Par : Pauline
Publié : 20 avril 2011
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Concert for Hanami in Crozant

Affiche du Concert de musique japonaise.

On Sunday, April 3rd, in the arboretum of La Sédelle, Hideaki Tsuji (who plays the shamisei, a traditional guitar) and Emiko Ota (percussions and singing ) had offered to the people who haven’t been afraid of the weather a great performance for Hanami (Japanese popular party bound to the flowering time of the cherry tree).

Cerisiers en fleurs au Japon.

For us, the season was already passed, but, as Mr Hideaki said , the flower cover in the garden was great too , and the japanese poets know how to find beauty into each season .

After a short introduction in japanese ( well , some people understood the whole thing , but in my case , I only caught two or three words ... ) then in french , they began the concert with traditional music .

Traditional , yes , but not only !

The two musicians make a band with two other persons , who were not there that day . They play pop rock music and performed some of their songs such as Pigs and flower and a lullaby ( I don’t remember the title ... ) .

A setting most remarquable

Arboretum de Sédelle.

The arboretum of La Sédelle is a beautifull place , and the petals of the cherry tree who were falling as we were hearing the music on the background was a beautifull picture .

Arboretum de Sédelle.

Here is the website. (Cliquez sur "Here")

And for you Mme Lécrivain-sensei , a little Haiku about the Hanami :

Under a moon veil
Shadow of flower
Shadow of women

Sôseki Natsume, 1867-1916