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Publié : 22 avril 2014
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From Cambridge with love, day five

On Day Five, we visited the wonderful Globe Theater, picnicked on the banks, crossed the Thames and walked up to Tower Pier, whence we took a boat which brought us to Westminster Pier. We then walked to National Gallery ( alas, no pictures to share with you ! Cameras were forbidden ... and at 18:00, Greenwich Meridian Time, our coach driver picked us up for the long ride home.

Millenium Walk with saint Paul’s cathedral in the background


Sam Wanamaker, founder of the Globe


Inside the Globe - the Neon sign on stage reads " Venice", as the modernized version of the Merchant of Venice was being played
Globe model


Jacuzzi ( with real live goldfish ! ) in the foreground
Our guide was a riot and he had us in fits
Here he is vainly exhorting two of our students to french-kiss and pretend they are Romeo and Juliet
Tower Bridge in the distance


Some alien pod dropped out of the sky from an invader spaceship
The Shard


For sale ! Two lonely pillars for a bridge that never got built


Queen Bouddica on her high horses, greeting us at Westminster Pier


Hem.... a bridge ?


Gigantic bicycle wheel, with miniature prison cells at the end of each spole, where humans are kept in custody


gigantic horse’s head


Big Ben


Man in black with strange hat walking his pet horse
National Gallery