In the morning we visited the Museum of Docklands, an authentic warehouse by the side of a canal lined with cranes, converted into a fabulous museum retracing the history of the docks, and their role in the prosperity of the British Colonial Empire
- WWII armoured shelter, with two menacingly grinning aliens from outer space
During WWII, the docks were a crucial turning point providing supplies to the Allies, and therefore they were a prime target for german bombers.
- "We are two space travelers from a faraway planet beyond your galaxy - take us to your leader"
- Model of what the early bridges over the thames must have looked like
The afternoon was devoted to the visit of the Victoria and Albert museum, the world’s largest museum of decorative arts and design.
- Turner, of course ! Who else ?
- Constable rules !
- Dante Gabriel Rossetti rocks !
Long flowing red hair, sensuous fleshy lips, sultry eyes...the ultimate victorian sexbomb !
- Jane Morris, the preraphaelite muse !
This is the portrait of Jane Morris, the objective correlative of preaphaelite beauty, who was the model, muse, and lover of Dante Gabriel Rossetti
- Victoria and Albert ? No, Katy and Rory of course !
- Brass instruments ( flattened by a steam roller ? )
- Porcelain by Hayashi Shigeki
- Stairway to Heaven
- Façade of Paul Pindar’s house, circa 1600
- Chinese imperial folding chair - stylish and comfy
- The rape of Proserpine - as graceful as a pas-de-deux